“So back to the buzzword specialists. I don’t have anything against specialists, but again, if you’re watching this and you’re a smaller business owner, a small business owner, even maybe a business owner who has several different businesses, and your head is spinning because you’re dealing with so many different specialists, I completely understand. And the specialists are not talking to each other and you’re basically being your own secretary, as you have maybe someone that does your video that’s a specialist over here, and you have someone that’s doing your website that claims to be a specialist in that, and someone doing the SEO that’s claiming to be a specialist in that, and then just trying to get them to communicate with each other, either they’re going to charge you more or then you’re finding yourself being the coordinator for your own businesses, for all these different people all over the place.”

Imagine yourself, a small business owner juggling a million tasks. Now, add the ever-evolving world of digital marketing to the mix – SEO, PPC, social media, websites… The dizzying list goes on. You desperately need help, but who do you turn to? Specialists whisper sweet nothings about their niche expertise, promising laser-focused results. But wait, the quote above warns of fragmentation, communication gaps, and you turning into your own “marketing secretary.” So, what’s the answer? 

Enter the generalist: your potential digital hero.

Remember the quote’s frustration? That’s a common pain point for small businesses. 

Specialists, while valuable, can create information silos. You end up coordinating specialists, translating jargon, and feeling lost in the weeds. A generalist, on the other hand, acts as your unified command center. They understand the big picture, speaking the language of each digital channel while keeping your overall goals in mind.

Sure, they might not be laser-focused on a single area like a specialist. But for a small business starting out, that breadth of knowledge is often more valuable. They can assess your entire digital landscape, recommend the right mix of tactics, and execute them efficiently. Think of them as your marketing translator and project manager rolled into one.

The advantages don’t stop there. Cost-effectiveness is a major draw for small businesses. Hiring one generalist is often more affordable than juggling multiple specialists. Plus, direct communication is invaluable. No more playing middleman – you have a single point of contact who understands your specific needs and can answer your questions clearly.

This doesn’t mean specialists are irrelevant. As your business grows, their expertise might become crucial. But for initial navigation, the generalist can be your guiding light. They’ll help you build a solid foundation, speak your language, and keep you from getting lost in the digital labyrinth. So, the next time you’re tempted by the siren song of specialists, remember – sometimes, a jack-of-all-trades can be the master you need to conquer the digital maze.

Remember: Consider your business stage and needs when making your choice. A generalist might be the perfect fit for your initial journey, while specialists can offer deeper expertise later on.

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