FYI: we’re not going back.

**NOTE: this isn’t political—this isn’t a political post—as I’m not invested in politics these days. For those who don’t know me, I stopped “caring” a while ago. And for the critics: that’s not the same as being apathetic. Challenge me, no matter your side, and I promise I’ll run circles around your thoughts, feelings, assumptions, and theories. For the record: I’m on the side of humanity, and even those who think they’re on the best side don’t really care about humanity. I’m on the side of peace, harmony, and the need for a reset. I’m on the side of acknowledging that we’re all hypocrites. Now, with that out of the way…

we’re not going back!

In case you missed it, there’s a lot happening—and yet, many are missing it because they just consume, consume, consume, and complain, complain, complain. Even those with supposed solutions don’t pause to consider all the potential ramifications of their ideas and how they might harm others. There’s no one-size-fits-all to anything—never has been, never will be. And that’s fine. Most people don’t have a diverse enough circle to have discussions that don’t verge on being cultish (group-think).

The best thing you can do to get through this without losing it is to learn to be adaptable—from minute to minute.


*And trust— i AM the person who WILL say “I told you so.”

we’re not going back…

  • Tech isn’t going back to what it used to be:
    • There’s a big, ugly fight happening in the CMS community (WordPress specifically).
    • People are finally calling out what Google has been up to on all fronts.
  • The environment isn’t going back to what it used to be:
    • Everybody complains about “climate change” and points fingers but won’t confront their favorite politician about all the waste generated during campaigns.
    • Want to discuss the waste from natural disaster relief—plastic-wrapped water, food, etc.? Most don’t, because they just ask, “Well, what are we supposed to do?” instead of seeking long-term alternatives.
    • Isn’t it ironic how some believe in biblical events like the parting of the Red Sea, but this flood was supposedly man-made? (Just my observation—not a statement of belief.)
  • Childhood isn’t going back to what it used to be (as we knew it), and why should it?!

**BUT guess what—especially for you astrology buffs—this is that shift from Pluto in Capricorn to Pluto in Aquarius. Not what you expected? LOL—well, here we are, and everything’s aligned. So keep fighting, or get flexible.

Even if things could go back to what they used to be, not all of our “backs” are the same! Look at yourselves, especially those with kids—you want to force what you liked down their throats? What makes you think they’d like it?

We’re not wired the same as those before us. Those after us aren’t wired the same as us.

…and yet, you don’t want anyone to force anything on you.

Has there ever been a time when people weren’t afraid of change or innovation?

I’ll wait.

LOL—just kidding.

While you debate with yourself and others, cussing out everything that makes you uncomfortable, I’ll keep adapting—because that’s evolution.

And I’ll keep finding humor in it—because we live in funny times.